Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation
Recognizing that prevention education is essential to avoid the agony of burn injuries, the Burn Foundation has produced a variety of innovative prevention materials.
American Burn Association
The ABA is dedicated to: stimulating and sponsoring the study and research in acute care, rehabilitation, and prevention of burns; providing a forum for presentation of knowledge; fostering training opportunities for burn care professionals; and encouraging publications within the burn care field.
Burn Resource Centre
Offers education and consultation to professionals and the community. Includes an awareness quiz, articles [PDF], and list of training topics and seminars.
Burn Survivors Throughout the World, Inc.
Offers articles on various issues, advocacy and support.
Children's Burn Foundation
Provides financial resources to meet the needs children suffering severe burns caused by abuse, neglect, or accident. Includes information about the programs and request for funding.
Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation - Atlanta
The Foundation's mission is to educate the public in burn awareness and prevention, to support medical facilities in the care of burns in Georgia, and to assist burn survivors in their recovery.
Illinois Fire Safety Alliance
Information for persons or groups with a common interest in fire safety, burn prevention, and public education, and promotional programs and disseminate information related to fire safety and burn prevention.
International Society for Burn Injuries
The Society was founded to 'disseminate knowledge and stimulate prevention in the field of burns'.
Sun Protection
Learn about how UV's attack your skin and how to mount the most effective defense. Also learn how to choose the right SPF for your skin type.
The Knapp Burn Foundation
A not-for-profit organization committed to assisting burn victims and their families, educating others and equipping the public with burn prevention information.
The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc.
Helping burn survivors and their families cope with and overcome the unimaginable and difficult challenges they encounter following a burn injury.