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Diseases and Conditions > Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems. The condition is most often described as being an inability to delay ejaculation to a point when it is mutually desirable for both partners. The definition of when ejaculation is premature is subjective. While some men have trouble controlling their orgasm upon entry, others consider 5-10 minutes of copulation too little time. How long a man is able to last is not the important factor in diagnosing premature ejaculation. The crucial issue is if a man is satisfied with the length of coitus.

There's no medical standard for how long it should take a man to ejaculate. The primary sign of premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs before both partners wish in the majority of sexual encounters, causing distress for one or both partners. The problem can occur in all sexual situations, including masturbation, or may only occur during sexual encounters with another person. Doctors often classify premature ejaculation as either primary or secondary:

* Primary premature ejaculation. You have primary premature ejaculation if you've experienced the problem for as long as you've been sexually active.

* Secondary premature ejaculation. You have secondary premature ejaculation if you developed the condition after having had previous, satisfying sexual relationships without ejaculatory problems.


Cure Premature Ejaculation Partner Listing
Information on curing PREMATURE EJACULATION - natural supplements, local anesthetic creams, kegel\'s exercises and hypnosis are discussed as forms of treatment.

Avoid Premature Ejaculation
sells a spray-on lotion to prevent premature ejaculation.

Bionix Cells
natural product which fights premature ejaculation and impotence.

Premature Ejaculation Solution for Men
offers Male Delay 1 solutions.

Ultra Control Pro
offers a natural formula and advanced technique manual designed to help those struggling with premature ejaculation, gain c


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