All about NPH
Offers details about normal pressure hydrocephalus, including treatment, screening tests, find a physician and a support center.
ASBAH - Hydrocephalus
A series of three articles on hydrocephalus and its treatment by Dr Roger Bayston, honorary consultant of Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus.
Hydrocephalus Association
Non-profit support and advocacy group information on resources and education for families and individuals.
Julia's Journey
Support and information for families who have children or loved ones with the disabling birth defect spina bifida and hydrocephalus.
National Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc.
NHF goals are to facilitate a network for those affected by hydrocephalus, increase public awareness, and give moral support.
The Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc.
Non-profit support organization provides information and resources for patients and families aff