Information and research into chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), burnout, the placebo effect and the relationship between mental attitude, lifestyle and physical health.
Action for M.E.
Action for M.E. is a UK charity working to improve the lives of people with M.E. They campaign for more research, better services and treatments.
CFIDS Emergency Relief Services, Inc.
Helps primarily people with chronic fatigue syndrome, who having no other recourse, would endure hunger, homelessness and/or medical deprivation.
ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Society of NSW Inc.
This site includes information on what the Society offers, the disease, further reading and downloadable brochures.
National CFIDS Foundation
Research oriented organization providing information, newsletter, online library and links.
New Jersey Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association
An organization of people with CFS which supports, informs and helps patients to deal with this serious illness. An in depth look at this syndrome as well as frequently asked questions.
The Connecticut CFIDS & FM Association, Inc.
Providing support to patients in Connecticut with chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome, CFIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS, fibromyalgia syndrome, FM.
The M.E. Association
The official website for UK-based charity covering everything from their latest research to advice on applying for benefits.
Wisconsin Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association
An information, advocacy and support organization for CFS and