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Diseases and Conditions > Genitourinary Disorders > Kidney Diseases > Organizations
National Kidney Foundation


American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) Partner Listing
a nonprofit, membership-based, national voluntary health organization providing education, support, and advocacy services to kidney patients and their families.

American Kidney Fund
provides direct financial assistance, comprehensive educational programs, research grants and community service projects.

Australian Kidney Foundation
involved in research, organ donation, and providing information.

Irish Kidney Association
contains information on kidney diseases, renal units in Ireland, diet and recipes, projects, and links.

Kidney Dialysis Foundation
providing information on kidneys, dialysis and the latest advancements.

Kidney Foundation of Canada
includes information, brochures and fact sheets on kidney disease.

National Kidney Foundation Taiwan R.O.C.
nonprofit organization, providing dialysis and kidney transplant information and educating the public on kidney diseases and failure.

NephCure Foundation
nonprofit organization providing information, education, support, and advocacy for patients and families dealing with Nephrotic Syndrome and FSGS, in addition to raising funds.

Rogosin Institute
institution for medical research and treatment in kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. Provides patient care and dialysis.



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