Aphasia Institute
A provincially incorporated charitable organization based in Ontario, Canada. Assists patients with aphasia, their families, and professionals in the field.
Information, penpals, and personal pages, specifically for people with aphasia.
British Aphasiology Society
Professional association seeking to disseminate information about aphasia and its treatment, encourage excellence in the scientific investigation of aphasia, promote the interests of aphasic individuals, and draw upon their expertise.
Support groups for dysphasic individuals in Surrey (UK). Managed by speech-language therapists.
National Aphasia Association
Nonprofit organization devoted to assisting people with aphasia and their families.
UK charity that is dedicated to helping aphasic individuals rebuild communication through information services, self-help groups, training of treatment professionals, and public advocacy.
Tavistock Trust for Aphasia
Bedfordshire-based charity whose aims are to establish clinics across the country, support research into speech and language therapy, and to determine the most cost-effective treatments.
University of Michigan Aphasia Services
Providing intensive rehabilitation services, discussion groups, and other programs for adults with aphasia and their families through the University Center for the Development of Language and Literacy in Ann Arbor.