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Europe Cancer Organizations - Health Diseases and Conditions
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Diseases and Conditions > Cancer > Organizations > Europe


Action Cancer Northern Ireland
Provides general information about common cancers, as well as detailing organization activities such as campaigns, fundraising and events.

Association for International Cancer Research
Non-profit charity that funds research projects worldwide. Headquartered in Fife, Scotland.

Coping with Cancer
Voluntary charity focusing on the individual rather than the illness. Located at Helen Webb House in Leicester, UK.

European Network of Cancer Registries
Aims to improve the quality and availability of data. Provides collection standards, publications, courses and consultancies.

Jimmy Knapp Cancer Fund
Ongoing memorial to the UK trade union leader's life. Supports research, counseling and hospice.

North East Promenaders Against Cancer
Raising funds for research through musical concerts and the North East Last Night of the Proms. Located in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.

Northwest Cancer Research Fund
Information about this UK charity. Headquartered in Liverpool, England.



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