Berent Associates Center For Social Therapy
Informational pages and self-assessment tools regarding shyness, social anxiety, social phobia, panic attacks, selective mutism, self-esteem and related problems.
In the SpotLight
No More Stage Fright Workshops, Coaching, and In the SpotLight book and CD, by Janet Esposito, M.S.W., to help people with fear of public speaking and performing.
Mindfulness Based Anxiety Reduction
Life-long anxiety reduction is taught in an 8 phase program that integrates Mindfulness Meditation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Painfully Shy
Social anxiety disorder and shyness resources, self-assessment quizzes, tips, and recommended reading.
Shake Your Shyness
Tips for overcoming shyness, recommended reading, links, and treatment resources for children and adults.
Shy Passions
Free online community site for shy singles.
Shyness and Social Anxiety Treatment Australia
Information about social anxiety, the treatment options, psychologists around Australia who treat social anxiety, group therapy & workshops, support groups, articles, resources and links.
Social Anxiety and Social Phobia Resources
Information including causes, symptoms, treatments, and ways to find help.
Social Anxiety Australia
A non profit service providing information, education, and support. Facts, treatment options, resources, support groups, personal stories, workshops and seminars.
Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia and Shyness
Articles, a directory, newsletter on shyness, Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia, and book excerpts.
Social Anxiety Info
Information, diaries, and community support for sufferers of social anxiety.
Social Anxiety Support
Provides structured interactive forums, and special programs to help those who suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia).
Social Phobia / Social Anxiety Disorder
A sufferer gives a clear and concise introduction to this disorder: symptoms, neurobiology and research, with detailed information on a wide range of drug treatments. Includes bibliography.
Social Phobia World
Information related to social phobia and shyness, including descriptions, treatment information, tests, forums, chats, and members directory organized by regions.
Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association
Non-profit organization, seeking to educate the public about social phobia, the most common anxiety disorder.
Social Phobics Anonymous
12 Step recovery program for social phobia and social anxiety sufferers.
The Shyness Home Page
Links to resources; information about The Shyness Institute in Palo Alto, California.
The Social Anxiety Institute
Extensive information and advice about this disorder, including definitions, explanation of cognitive-behavioral therapy and other treatments, mailing list, personal experiences, audiotapes and books for sale, and information about onsite therapy and conferences offered in Arizona.