Sudden Asphyxic Asthma  A place for information and support for this rare and often fatal form of asthma as well as all forms of severe asthmać
ALK Sverige AB
In Swedish.
Allergy and Asthma Centers of Charleston, P.A.
Providing relief to allergy and asthma sufferers for 35 years.
Allergy Asthma Technology
Suppliers of medically approved and tested products to reduce exposure to allergens in the home.
Allergy Control Products, Inc.
Developing and marketing environmental controls to reduce allergen exposure.
Offering sublingual oral immunotherapy options for the relief and treatment of allergies, asthma, rhinitis, and sinusitis.
Provides neoprene carrying cases for Epipens and inhalers.
Alletess Medical
Offers laboratory blood tests to determine the degree, class, and extent of various allergies.
Ecology Works Dust Mite Control
Offers a boron compound that eliminates dust, dust mites and allergens in carpet and upholstery.
Epinephrine auto-injector for the treatment of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis associated with food, drug, insect venom, and latex allergies.
For Your Allergy
Offers nasal irrigators, books, supplements, sprays, and other drug-free treatments.
Health Scan
Provides food intolerance and allergy testing with online health advice.
Asthma, rhinitis, eczema, and allergen avoidance advice. Animations, research, and products related to protecting against house dust mites.
GlaxoSmithKline site featuring information on dealing with asthma, COPD, and allergies as well as quitting smoking.
Immune Web
information, support, and mailing lists for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, lupus, allergies, environmental illness, fibromyalgia, candida, other immune system disorders.
Is It Allergy?
Provides information for sufferers and doctors on allergies and the ImmunoCAP blood test.
Information about allergies in children including telltale signs and treatment options.
NYC Pollen Count
Pollen count updates for both local and national pollen count and mold spore count.
Rubber tip that turns a Water Pik into a nasal irrigator.
Sinus Buster
Capsicum pepper based nasal spray for the relief of sinus and allergy symptoms, as well as cluster and migraine headaches.
York Nutritional Laboratory
Specializes in food intolerance testing. Site contains information on services offered as well as details